After you are done changing all the cursors to what you want, click 'Save As', name the set, hit apply, then Ok, and enjoy your new cursor set! In the Customize section, select the appropriate cursor, browse, and then find the one you wish to use (for example, for Normal Select click on it in the box, go to browse, find your (insertnamehere)_Normal file, and then click open to change it to that icon.)ħ. Click on Mouse Pointers and a dialogue box should pop up. Go to Appearance and Personalization and click on Personalizationĥ. Open the Start Menu and go to Control Panel.Ĥ. Once they are there, you can delete the files and folder on your desktop.ģ. It's a whole lot easier to find that way and more organized. I usually create subfolders in there to keep the 'special sets' of cursors separate from the others.
Take those files, find the folder where your other/default cursors are (should be a location similar to: C:\Windows\Cursors) and put them there. zip file to your desktop and once that's done you can either extract the files to a separate location (that you can easily find!) or simply copy all the files and paste them onto the DesktopĢ.